ISSUE 31 - Mix & match the Flynn and Hove jacket patterns — In the Folds

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ISSUE 31 - Mix & match the Flynn and Hove jacket patterns


THE Q & A SERIES - Mix & match the Flynn and Hove jacket patterns

Hi Emily,

After reading 
your tutorial on removing the pleats from the Hove jacket I remembered that it and the Flynn were sibling patterns. Is it possible to mix and match them, for example Hove’s back pleats with Flynn’s collar? The front curved seams look the same on your line drawings but I wasn’t certain if they still were after you refined the designs.

Thank you!


Canberra, Australia

Hi Katina,

Lovely to hear from you!

Yes, you're right, the Hove jacket pattern and the Flynn jacket pattern are sibling patterns. They originally started out as two variations of the same pattern, but over time as I continued to work on the patterns, I realised they were moving further and further apart in terms of design, and it was going to become a mammoth of a pattern that would probably intimidate makers - rather than inspire!

They can be mixed and matched as you suggested, and I'd love to see a Flynn jacket with the Hove pleats. It sounds dreamy!

Mix and match Flynn Hove-1.jpg

As you can see in the illustration above, the curve on the two patterns is the same until you get to the shoulder point (circled in the illustration). The curve then changes course in shape, but is the same length, so still fits with each of the back pieces from the patterns.

Mix and match Flynn Hove-2.jpg

If you do choose to swap out the hood on the Hove jacket for the collar from the Flynn jacket, just be sure to transfer the notches from one piece to the other as they are different between styles to accommodate the difference in pockets. You can do this by laying one piece on top of the other and transferring with a tracing wheel, snipping in with scissors or tracing with a pen / pencil. It's also a good idea to put a small cross next to the notches you won't be using to save any confusion (or covering them up with masking tape). These new notches then need to be transferred to the FRONT piece too (or you can just print the FRONT from the pattern style you are using).

I'd love to see your version if you do go ahead and mix and match these patterns Katina!

Happy sewing,


resources mentioned in this issue

  • How to remove pleats from a pattern. Tutorial can be found here.

  • The Hove jacket pattern can be found here.

  • The Flynn jacket pattern can be found here.

P.S. Would you like to know what the Q & A series is all about? This page tells you a little bit more about the motive behind the series. Past issues from the Q & A series can be found here.

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